Adriano Farano
RSSFarano was born in Salerno, Italy. He has a degree in political science from LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. In 2001, he co-founded cafebabel.com, where he served as publisher and CEO until early 2010. Cafebabel.com is a multilingual, pan-European news magazine, designed for readers across borders. It is a pioneer in collaborative journalism with more than 10,000 contributors. Farano has written for Le Figaro and was a radio columnist on European Union affairs for France Culture public radio broadcasting. He also taught Online Journalism at the Université de Marne-laVallée and Paris' CFPJ journalism school. In 2008, he was part of an international research group on global public media sponsored by American University and a panelist at the Hearst Media Dialogues at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. Since 2010, he has been a partner in charge of business and international development at OWNI.fr, a cutting-edge media startup experimenting with database and crowd-sourcing journalism.